Your monthly billing rate, payment date and general billing details should stay the same. You'll receive separate emails for each telling you when they've successfully migrated. If you have a large music library, it might take longer to transfer across to YouTube Music than your billing information. But if your music disappeared from Google Play Music for the same reason, there's a chance it could reappear in your YouTube Music library. Some songs and albums might not transfer due to rights or licensing issues. If you do multiple transfers, only the music added since your last transfer will be included in the latest transfer. You can transfer as many times as you like until Google Play Music closes. Don't already have one? You can set one up in just a few seconds.
You may need a YouTube channel in order to complete the migration. There are two ways to transfer your music over.ġ: Head to /transfer and click Transfer.Ģ: On the YouTube Music app, tap your profile picture and then Settings > Transfer > Transfer from Google Play Music.Īnd that's it.